
Kriim personalises the buying experience using Outvio and differentiates themselves from others. Find out how they do it!

Kriim Logo
E-Commerce type
Natural cosmetics
errors during order preparation
re-purchase rate in same month

"Outvio is proof that you can always get better"

Kriim is a multi-brand cosmetics company with great commitment to their customers’ wellbeing. Not only do they manufacture and sell their own products (which are made with top-quality ingredients), they also work hard in offering their buyers a convenient and unique experience.


After a significant rise in sales and reputation, Kriim decided to get in touch with Outvio to optimise their post-checkout strategy and smooth out their logistic issues. Today, Kriim is one of the leading brands in Spain for personal care products.


"At some point, you feel it gets more and more difficult to keep on growing your business. The beauty of Outvio is that it adds a ton of functionality while automatically improving whatever is already “sort of” working. Take, for example, everything related to order preparation. Our order preparation rate has gone from 3% down to a clean 0%. It might not seem like a lot, but at the end of the month we save hundreds of euros alone just on this"

Gerard Amargós Armengol Manager of operations

As is the case with other successful eCommerce businesses, branding is of paramount importance for Kriim. They deeply understand how crucial it is to offer a branded delivery and return experience. Now, with Outvio, they are able to include more points of contact with their customers and add value to an already fine-tuned service.

"Before Outvio, we had to manually manage our branding. This was taking too much time. With Outvio, all post-purchase communications are branded and automated, and pushed at times we know will translate into a better experience and more conversions. The repurchase ratio inside the next 30-day window has gone up to 14%."

re-purchase rate in same month


Finally, all these improvements have resulted in a decrease in returns, and therefore a relief on their customer support department. Now Kriim can dedicate more time to what matters most: fine-tuning their products and pampering their customers with a hyper-personalised service.

Outvio has become the lynchpin of our operations. We can manage all our brands, shops, couriers, returns, and customer communications in an easy and efficient manner.


"Since we got in touch a couple of years ago, we knew that Outvio was what we needed"

Gerard Amargós Armengol Manager of operations
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