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Outvio vs. ShippyPro comparison.

Are you looking for a ShippyPro alternative? Discover the functionalities and reasons why many eCommerces think Outvio is the best choice for growing businesses.

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Functionality That Takes You Further

Compare features.

With so many eCommerce solutions available, choosing the right one can be challenging. We have put together a summary of key features of Outvio and ShippyPro, and although we can be a bit biased, these are some of the reasons why growing eCommerces choose Outvio.
Print shipping labels
Integrate your own couriers
Advanced Fulfillment System
Advanced Shipping rules
Show pickup points in the checkout
Fully branded tracking page with map and Smart Actions™
Tracking emails for every step of the delivery process
100% configurable notification emails with drag-and-drop editor
Send SMS and WhatsApp notifications regardless of your plan
Solve most common shipping issues automatically
Advanced return rules
Branded self-service returns and exchanges portal
Wide range of Advanced Analytics
Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop...
Over 14 touch points
100+ KPIs to track
But limited
Only Shopify
Up to 7, branding options are limited to the logo
Very basic and limited return rules
Exchanges not supported
Basic analytics
"Integrating Ballzy into the Outvio infrastructure was definitely the best decision in 2021. There has been a turning point in the way we interact with our customers, the quality of our customer support and our logistics costs. Outvio is here to stay."

"Definitely the best decision in 2021"

Aivar Kisel
Logistics manager of Ballzy

9 features you only get with Outvio.

Online stores that exclusively want to print shipping labels will find a solid solution with either platform. However, for scaling eCommerce businesses, Outvio is the all-in-one solution. Outvio can ensure the best purchasing experience thanks to unique features that transform the delivery process into a powerful marketing tool, save time and increase sales, order after order.

An all-in-one solution.

We often find that online stores using ShippyPro mainly use it to print shipping labels. They use other tools to manage everything else, as ShippyPro lacks advanced functionality in most other areas. With Outvio you can print shipping labels, of course, but you also get the most advanced tool to manage all your post-checkout processes in a single place.

Advanced Fulfillment System.

Clients that come to Outvio spend 50% less time on order processing and receive 79% less customer support queries. Why? Because Outvio’s proprietary Advanced Fulfillment System provides an error-free flow that reduces packing errors to 0%, and on-screen picking lists that can be seen and used on multiple devices, without downloading or wasting unnecessary paper. ShippyPro doesn’t generate professional picking lists, nor has any functionality that enables to have an error-free packing process.

The best tracking page for eCommerce.

All Outvio clients, regardless of their plan, have access to a fully branded tracking page with an embedded map and Smart Actions™ that enables customers to solve shipping issues without contacting customer support, saving time for your eCommerce and your buyers. You can fully customize it to match your branding, add advertising banners to encourage new purchases and it is available in 30+ languages. With ShippyPro, on the other hand, only Professional and Enterprise accounts have access to a tracking page, with very limited branding possibilities (only logo).

Fully branded delivery notifications.

With ShippyPro you have no choice but to use the same email template shared with everyone else using ShippyPro. This template is very limited and most information cannot be edited. With Outvio you do not have to compromise your style and can fully customize your delivery emails to match 100% your brand. Add recommended products, seasonal campaigns, videos and more in a couple of clicks. With Outvio, the sender of these emails can be properly configured, minimising the chance these emails will end up being blocked or in the spam folder.

Proactive incident manager.

Outvio features a powerful incident management tool that allows your customer support to visualize, in real-time, all orders with an issue. It informs of the type of issue and sends automatic notifications whenever there’s a problem that requires their attention. It can even solve some incidents without human intervention, by automatically communicating with your customers.

Returns & Exchanges for all.

Whereas Returns and Exchanges are available to all Outvio clients, with ShippyPro you will not have access to automate returns if you choose the most affordable plan. Even if you choose one of the 2 higher plans, ShippyPro offers little personalization in terms of branding, return options and ShippyPro cannot automate product exchanges. Outvio remains the first choice for eCommerces that want to automate both returns and exchanges, with full flexibility.

Analytics: beyond basic KPIs.

ShippyPro only offers very basic shipping and return analytics in a cumbersome, hard-to-read and interpret interface. Outvio, on the other hand, provides over 90 business-critical KPIs, about shipments and returns but also extends it to notifications, incidents, warehouse operations and sales, in a beautiful, easy-to-visualize interface.

5-star support included.

One of the biggest turnoffs when choosing a partner for your business is to later find a poor level of support when you need them the most. If you search online reviews about ShippyPro, you will find that their clients often complain about slow and sluggish support. With Outvio, on the other hand, you get personalised support that streamlines processes to ensure that every issue is treated with both care and speed.
5-star support included

A UI built for productivity.

We know that printing a shipping label isn’t enough and that productivity matters. Outvio was designed from the ground up to automate eCommerce operations (not just printing shipping labels). That’s why Outvio takes the user experience very seriously. You will never see text misalignments, overlaps, deceptive translations or buttons cut in half. With Outvio you don’t only get a professional and intuitive tool with a beautiful design, but also a workflow that is built to make your operations fast and error-free.
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