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Outvio vs Aftership comparison.

Trying to decide between Aftership and Outvio? Let us highlight some of the key functionalities that makes online stores choose Outvio to manage their post-checkout processes.

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Even though we are bound to be a bit biased, we have put our industry expertise to work, to give you our honest and fair opinion on the best choice for growing eCommerces, comparing key benefits and advantages.
Advanced Fulfillment System
Charge per order
Ship orders with 80+ couriers
Tracking orders for all couriers in real-time via webservice
Fully branded tracking page with map and Smart Actions™
Branded email delivery notifications
Create new emails based on custom triggers
Order Incident management
Fully branded Returns & Exchanges portal
Process returns and exchanges with all your couriers
Advanced Analytics
Data storage
Dedicated GDPR compliant servers located in Germany
Made in Europe
It relies mostly on public page data scrapping
Limited to tracking and notifications
Billed separately
Data stored in China and the USA
Made in China
"Our logistics have improved because the shipping management is easier and we can use different carriers depending on the destination or type of order and always find the best shipping cost. We don´t have anything negative to say, the customer support is perfect."
5 Stars

"Glad to be working with Outvio"

Cristian Arenas
Logistics manager in PuroEGO

8 unique features you get with Outvio.

Online stores that only want to offer branded tracking and notifications can find a solution with both Outvio and Aftership. However, eCommerces that also want to unify their post-checkout operations and improve the ROI on software tools find that Outvio is a better and more complete solution against any alternative.

An all-in-one solution.

With Aftership, eCommerce businesses feel forced to use at least 2 or 3 additional software tools, increasing costs and causing inefficiencies. To use Aftership for more than tracking or shipping, online stores need to set up different modules, with their own pricing and limitations. This hinders considerably the management of the operations. Outvio, on the other hand, was designed from the ground up with the goal to unify all the post-purchase operations, from fulfillment to shipping, incident management, returns and exchanges and, of course, notifications and the best tracking page in the industry, in a single place. eCommerce workflows are much more professional and streamlined in a software solution made with centralization in mind.

Advanced Fulfillment System.

Clients that come to Outvio spend 50% less time on order processing and receive 79% less customer support queries. Thanks to Outvio’s proprietary Advanced Fulfillment System, online stores can implement an error-free flow that reduces packing errors to 0% and use on-screen picking lists to speed up the picking and packing process by 2x. Aftership has no functionality for an efficient fulfillment process. Meaning that if you use Aftership, you need to add another software tool to your stack to optimize the fulfillment process or do things manually and assume errors and slower order processing.

The best tracking page for eCommerce.

All Outvio clients have access to a fully-branded tracking page with an embedded map and Smart Actions™ that enables customers to solve shipping issues without contacting customer support, saving time for your eCommerce support department and your buyers. You can fully customize it to match your branding, add advertising banners to encourage new purchases, change and customize the URL of the tracking page and have it in 30+ languages, and, enable your customers to manage their own orders from the tracking page.

Fully Branded Delivery Notifications.

Outvio provides full customization of delivery emails so that you don’t need to compromise your style or brand image. The drag & drop editor enables you to easily configure them and thanks to the additional features, you can also add recommended products, promote seasonal campaigns, include videos and more. Configure up to 16 points of contact during the delivery and return process, so your customers always and precisely know what to expect and offer SMS and email notifications in as many languages as you need.
Message for shipment tracking for Skechers post-checkout

Incident Manager.

Outvio has a dedicated incident management panel that shows you, in real-time, all shipments with incidents, what incident is affecting them and provides tools to efficiently solve and know, at all times, their resolution status. This streamlines customer support so you can offer the best shopping experience to all of your customers. It can even solve some incidents without human intervention, by automatically communicating with your customers. Aftership has no functionality that automates the resolution of specific incidents or that even streamlines the management of shipping issues for customer support.
Incident management of post-checkout eCommerce tool Outvio

Returns & Exchanges.

Outvio offers a powerful, fully-branded and feature-rich returns and exchanges portal that can be completely branded to match the style of your eCommerce without making any compromises. If product exchanges are important for you, Outvio also fully automates this process. Something not possible with Aftership. You can use Aftership returns, but it lives as a separate app and it is billed additionally.

Better ROI for your eCommerce.

If you run a growing eCommerce business, most CFOs welcome Outvio as a sound investment. Unlike Aftership, with Outvio you can unify all of your post-checkout operations in a single tool. This translates into increased operation efficiency, lower training and implementation costs, shorter setup times and a clearly superior return on investment, due to the fact that you pay for the actual shipments that you send or customers return.

Made in Estonia, hosted in Germany.

Outvio’s application is fully developed in Europe and all data is GDPR compliant and stored in a dedicated data centre in Germany. On the other hand, Aftership is developed in China and hosted in servers in China and the USA. Outvio’s couriers integrations are based on curated direct webservice integrations with each and every courier, while Aftership still heavily relies on data scrapping from the courier’s public tracking page. This means with Outvio you will get better quality tracking data and with a faster update rate.

Advantages of Outvio.

As online stores grow, they look for alternatives beyond tracking and notifications, with automation and functionality to seamlessly scale their operations and improve the shopping experience.

The tools that Outvio offers in terms of fulfillment, shipping, tracking, notifications and returns and exchanges are the reason why growing online stores choose Outvio, as it adapts to all kinds of operations and workflows.

In 2019 we started working with Outvio to be able to scale our operations and it was a success. Now that we have grown, Outvio continues to be a key part of our infrastructure. Highly recommended to automate actions and focus on what adds value to the business.
5 Stars

"Best partner for your company!"

Gerard Amargós
Operations Manager at Kriim

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