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Outvio vs Sendcloud comparison.

Trying to decide between Sendcloud and Outvio? Let us highlight some use cases and functionality where we consider Outvio to be crucial for online shops.

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Functionality That Makes A Difference

Compare features.

Even though we are bound to be a bit biased, we have put our industry expertise to work, to give you our honest and fair opinion on the best choice for growing eCommerces, comparing key benefits and advantages.
Integrate your own couriers
Charge per order
Smart picking
Smart packing (paperless)
Print shipping labels in ZPL
Possibility to print the return label together with the shipping label
Branded tracking emails for every status of the order
100% configurable notification emails with drag-and-drop editor
Resolve most common shipping incidents automatically
Incident management
Returns and exchanges portal
Personalized return reasons
Smart return rules
Advanced Analytics
More than 180
All couriers
Over 16
90+ KPIs
Limited to 8
Only returns
With limitations
11 Basic parameters
"Integrating Ballzy into the Outvio infrastructure was definitely the best decision in 2021. There has been a turning point in the way we interact with our customers, the quality of our customer support and our logistics costs. Outvio is here to stay."

"Definitely the best decision in 2021"

Aivar Kisel
Logistics manager of Ballzy

7 unique features you get with Outvio.

Both Outvio and Sendcloud are a solid choice for online shops shipping up to roughly 100 orders a month, that mainly need a simple solution for printing shipping labels. However, for eCommerces that are scaling or run bigger operations, the numerous additional features, integrations and functions that only Outvio offers, make a big difference in saving time, increasing sales and delivering the best possible customer experience for your online shoppers, when comparing to any alternative.

An all-in-one solution.

We often find that online stores using Sendcloud mainly use it to print shipping labels. They use other tools to manage everything else, as Sendcloud lacks advanced functionality in many other areas. With Outvio you can print shipping labels, of course, but you also get the most advanced tool to manage all your post-checkout processes in a single place.

A professional picking and packing solution.

Outvio allows you to process orders a lot faster than Sendcloud. Simply collect the products in bulk from your inventory with our on-screen picking lists, verify the products with our proprietary Advanced Fulfillment System and save time, money and customer support queries. Without wasting paper or time.

Sendcloud claims their Pack&Go to be a picking and packing tool. That’s simply not true: it forces you to print documents, there is no picking list generation and no automated control over what you ship.

That is why clients that come to Outvio report a reduction of 50% in the time they spend processing orders.

Tracking page.

With Outvio you will offer your customers the best tracking page in the market, with Smart Actions™ and automations that truly save time from your customer support and significantly improve the delivery experience. You can also customize it to match your branding, add advertising banners, plus it is available in 30+ languages.

Delivery Notification Emails.

With Sendcloud you are obliged to use the same email template shared with everyone else using Sendcloud. This template is extremely limited and most information cannot be edited. With Outvio you do not have to compromise your style and can fully customize your delivery emails to match 100% your brand. Add recommended products, seasonal campaigns, videos and more. With Outvio you can configure up to 16 points of contact during the delivery and return process, so your customers always and precisely know what to expect.

Incident Manager.

Outvio has a dedicated incident management panel that shows you, in real-time, all shipments with incidents, what incident is affecting them and provides tools to efficiently solve and know, at all times, their status. This streamlines customer support so you can offer the best shopping experience to all of your customers.
Customer support messages of post-checkout eCommerce platform Outvio

Returns & Exchanges.

Outvio offers a more powerful, fully-branded and feature-rich returns and exchanges portal which can be completely branded to match the style of your eCommerce without making any compromises. Outvio offers powerful return rules not possible with Sendcloud. Also exchanges can be processed in a breeze and fully automated. Something not possible with Sendcloud. And it is available in 30+ languages.


Sendcloud only offers very basic shipping and return analytics, with a total of just 11 metrics. Outvio, on the other hand, provides over 90 business-critical KPIs, about shipments and returns but also extends it to notifications, incidents, warehouse operations and sales.

Advantages of Outvio.

As the volume of shipments increases, growing eCommerces look for alternatives with more automations and functionality, and offering a great shopping experience becomes more and more important. This is where Outvio’s many customisable features for fulfillment, shipping, tracking, notifications and returns and exchanges really become a competitive advantage.

Outvio is very flexible in adapting to big custom-built solutions and can be plugged into virtually any step of already existing workflows for established eCommerce businesses.

For those reasons, Outvio is an excellent choice for online shops of any size, especially the ones that are set out to grow their business, want to optimise their fulfillment workflow and strongly believe in marketing their brand. The benefits in availability of features, functionality and variety of integrations give online stores using Outvio a real advantage over their competitors.

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