Ballzy manages all its post-checkout processes, from multiple stores, in a single place. They save thousands of euros every month.

"100% of orders processed without any errors"
Ballzy was founded in 2015 as an online basketball store. Originally from Estonia, their online store expanded to the physical world with brick-and-mortar stores in Finland and the Baltics. Their strong visual language and ability to tell a great story and offer new brands and products to their fans are definitely Ballzy’s main differentiators.

As the brand grew, Ballzy decided to commercialize casual streetwear. It turned out to be a huge success. A success that meant more orders. In 2021, Ballzy noticed that they were missing something. Coordinating an omnichannel business, with several physical stores as well as an online shop isn’t an easy task. This made it necessary to start using a post-checkout tool that could automate and optimize processes. That’s when they turned to Outvio.

"Our customer support agents can log into Outvio, type in the order number, and see right away, the status of the order - whether it's in picking, in packing, or whether it's already sent out. And then they can easily forward this feedback to the customer"
Aivar Kisel, logistics manager of BallzyOutvio’s analytics help Ballzy know what are the real delivery times for each courier, what tracking emails are opened and clicked and what are the most common shipment issues per courier, so they can spot, on a daily basis, if a courier is underperforming. With these statistics, they are able to offer free shipping and free returns to their customers with the certainty of having a profitable business.
"The tools and features available in Outvio make it easy for any online merchant to manage all the complex processes in a growing eCommerce business in an easy, efficient and customer-centric manner"
One of these tools for example is the ready-made tracking portal that is easy to customise and which allowed Ballzy to significantly reduce customer queries related to shipping and order delivery. This portal can be used by customers to check the status and location of their orders, reducing support workload and giving them the information they need in real-time.

While continuing their expansion and growth, Ballzy’s cool style and high-level customer service can effortlessly scale with the support of Outvio as the backbone of their online operations.
Integrating Ballzy into the Outvio infrastructure was definitely the best decision in 2021, and we want to take even more advantage of what Outvio has to offer going forward.

"Definitely the best decision in 2021"
Aivar Kisel Logistics manager of BallzySee how businesses like yours found solutions with Outvio